Business Hours
Taken on Monday 8:45am-Noon, Tuesday, Friday 9:00am-Noon
Call to Check Availability on Tuesdays and Fridays
Open These Hours plus Sunday at Noon until auction is completed.
How do I become a Consigner?
Items may be dropped off Monday 8:45-Noon, Tuesday, Friday 9:00am-Noon
Phone: 319-759-7963/ Call to check availablity on Tuesdays and Fridays
Consigner's Auction Check Available 1 Week After Auction. Check Can
Be Picked Up or Mailed by Request
What items River Town Auctions is unable to Accept
Old Paint/Chemicals, Encyclopedias, Waterbeds, Entertainment Centers, Large Desks, Record Player
Combos, Floor Console TVs AND TVs that ARE NOT flat screen(non High Definition), Appliances that don't work, Torn/Stained
Upholstered Furniture, Junk Furniture--Missing Drawers, Legs, Tops, Clothes/Shoes, Metal Desks, Dishwashers, Electronics that
Don't Work, Pianos/Organs, Decorative Tins, Coat Hangers, Metal Ironing Boards, Bowling Balls, Old Baby Cribs, Infant and
Toddler Car Seats.
Who Do I Contact Concerning Estate Information
Monty Smith -
Owner, Auctioneer
Does River Town Auctions Offer Hauling
have options for hauling. Please call Monty to inquire.